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Neonatal Platelet Transfusion

Neonatal Platelet Transfusion


  • Survey current neonatal and paediatric transfusion practice in Ireland (in conjunction with the National Transfusion Advisory Group)
  • Follow up children who took part in the PlaNeT-2/MATISSE study (a randomised controlled trial of platelet transfusion thresholds in 660 babies born at less than 34 weeks gestation) as babies to assess their neurodevelopmental outcomes.
  • Assess safety and feasibility of transfusing platelets through the IV lines that are used in tiny or sick babies in the NICU - in conjunction with the SSCD laboratory at IBTS
  • Identify changes in inflammatory markers after platelet transfusion in babies in the NICU
  • Explore parents understanding of their babies’ blood transfusions in the neonatal intensive care unit

Key Findings

  • Review of the evidence for and against platelet transfusion in the neonate and identifies areas of future potential neonatal platelet transfusion research.
  • Neonatal platelet transfusions are administered at volumes based on historical practice which greatly exceed those routinely used in adults. Thrombocytopenia and timing, efficacy and adverse effects of platelet transfusion are poorly understood. Further research is essential.


Prof Anna Curley, Prof Colm O’Donnell


  • UCD School of Medicine
  • Irish Blood Transfusion Service
  • National Maternity Hospital

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