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Bone Marrow Registry

Irish Unrelated Bone Marrow Registry

The Irish Unrelated Bone Marrow Registry (IUBMR) is part of The Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS). The IBTS is licensed as a blood establishment under SI.360 of 2005 (license number BE - 002) and a tissue establishment under SI 158 of 2006 (license number TE – 012).

The IUBMR performs unrelated searches on behalf of the adult and paediatric services, St James Hospital and Children's Health Ireland (CHI) at Crumlin in Ireland and Unrelated Bone Marrow Registries worldwide. 

Interested in Joining the Bone Marrow Registry? Read more about it here.

The Irish Unrelated Bone Marrow Registry is the designated World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA) National Hub for the Republic of Ireland whose responsibility is to process requests for donors originating from within the country or emanating from abroad and to co-ordinate activities of donor, harvest and transplant centres in the respective countries. The WMDA registration number for the IUBMR is 121061. The IUBMR received WMDA accreditation in 2012. The WMDA currently have over 38 million donors and cords on its data base which includes the IUBMR registry.

HLA typing on recipients and donors is carried out for the IUBMR by the National Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Reference Laboratory (NHIRL) at the IBTS, Dublin. This laboratory is EFI accredited and it is a requirement of the IUBMR that accreditation is maintained.

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