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Dr. Yajhitha Chintala

Dr. Yajhitha Chintala


Blood - being a scarce and critical resource universally with a multitude of uses requires an urgent focus on how best we can achieve its procurement and optimal utilization while reducing its wastage.


I ama medical doctor from India with a specialization in Transfusion Medicine. My passion for the subject is what brought me to IBTS and I’m currently pursuing a Ph.D. working on platelet-derived extracellular vesicles under the guidance of Dr. Allison Waters and Technological University Dublin’s EVRG group- Dr. Claire Wynne, Dr. Steve Meaney, and Mr. Fabián McGrath.

Research Interests

Extracellular vesicles are poorly understood and were largely ignored till recently even though they were discovered decades ago. My role as a researcher in this field encompasses their study and impact on the field of transfusion science.  My research interests include immunohematology, apheresis, cellular therapies, platelets, and current transfusion practices.

Further Information




Twitter: @yajhitha


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