Clinical Services




  • If donors are reinstated and 7001 or 7002 is visible on their donor record on eProgesa.


Donors who received infectious/potentially infectious Anti-D between 1st May 1977 - 31st July 1979 and 1st March 1991 – 18th February 1994 can be accepted as donors after they have undergone a reinstatement regime (REP). This implies they have had samples taken for repeat screening tests and PCR. When results are reviewed and are negative, these donors may receive a reinstatement code 7001. On subsequent attendance they can be bled as normal. Donors who received non-infectious batches are reinstated as 7002 and can also be bled as normal. Where these donors are known to the IBTS, they will have an active or aged 6054 code on their record. However some donors may have had Anti-D during the above years unknown to the IBTS. If they make this known to us, they should be treated as above under the REP program (ref: IBTS/DC/SOP/0125).

For further details see “Information for Rhesus D negative female donors who received Anti-D in the years 1977-1979 and 1991-1994”.

IBTS/MEDD/DSGDE/0001Attachment 4.31Ver 1.1

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