Clinical Services

Quality Department

Quality Department

About our Quality Team

The Quality Department is responsible, in conjunction with the medical, scientific and nursing staff, for the development, implementation and review of the Quality Management System to ensure that Good Manufacturing Practice, Good Laboratory Practice and regulatory requirements are met and best practice is achieved. 

The IBTS is a HPRA authorised Blood and Tissue Establishment. The EU Directive 2002/98/EC and associated Directives are applicable to the Blood Establishment. The EU Directive 2004/23/EC is applicable to the Tissue Establishment. These directives ensure the standard of quality and safety in relation to recruitment, donation, testing, processing, storage, and distribution of all blood and blood components and tissues including stem cells.

The IBTS is also authorised to distribute Medicinal Products derived from Human Blood or Plasma as per Good Distribution Practice (GDP) of Medicinal Products for Human Use EU Directive 2013/C 343/01. 

Contact the Quality Department:

  • Email:                                                          
  • Director of Quality & Compliance:                   01 432 2920 / 087 224 9910
  • National Quality Assurance Manager:             01 432 2723 / 087 213 9835
  • Bacterial Testing / EM Laboratory:                   01 432 2993
  • Quality Control Laboratory (NBC):                   01 432 2990 / 087 290 4331
  • NBC Quality Laboratory Hours:                        Monday to Friday:  07:00 to 19:00 hours
  • Out of hours contact the Components Scientist on duty:   NBC 01 432 2800 / 087 290 4331
  • Quality Control Laboratory (MRTC):                 021 480 7454
  • Out of hours contact the Diagnostics Scientist on duty:  021 480 7400

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