
Our first international conference BlooDHIT took place in Dublin on 10th and 11th November 2022. The conference was for professionals in the areas of haematology, as well as transfusion specialists, medical scientists, research partners, research collaborators and any other professionals in the area of blood donation, infection and transfusion. We also had attendees from PPI (Patient and Public Involvement). Our speakers were a mix of local and international industry leaders covering a range of topics from transplantation, bone marrow research, Sickle Cell Anaemia, Iron Management and lots more! There was also a poster presentation session where researchers from Ireland and abroad showcased their latest work. Video's of presentations at BlooDHIT 2022 can be viewed below. 

We plan to host our next conference in 2024. 


Prof Tor Hervig, Medical Director, IBTS presents Emerging and Novel Blood Products.

Hon. Prof. Su Brailsford, NHSBT, presents FAIR: The UK's approach to a more individualised donor selection process.
Assistant Prof. Stella Chou, The Children's Hospital of Philadelpia, presents, New Tools to Personalise Transfusion Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease.
Barry Doyle, IBTS, presents, Upcoming Changes in Blood Production in Ireland.
Dr. Allison Waters, IBTS, presents, Bloody Research.
Dr. Katja Van Den Hurk, Sanquin, presents, Iron Management in Blood Donors. 
Dr. Niamh O'Flaherty, IBTS, NVRL, presents, Donor Infectious Disease Epidemiology. 
Dr. Ingmar Schoen, RCSI, How Should we Assess the Quality of Platelet Concentrates?
Prof. Willy Albert Flegel, NIH Clinical Centre, National Institute of Health, Bethesda MD, presents, Opportunities in Red Cell Genotyping and Genomics Research: Personalised Medicine, Variant Identification and Functional Interpretation.
Prof. Derek O'Doherty, TCD, presents, How Blood Products from the Irish Blood Transfusion Service have Enabled Cancer Research. 
Nicola Gardiner, SJH, presents, Cellular Therapy: Routine and Research.  
Moira Keogh, IBTS, presents, The Impact of Changing Patient and Donor Demographics on Blood Group Typing.
Mark Croucher, NHSBT, presents, How NHS Blood and Transplant Plans to Grow and Diversify its Donor Base to Meet Clinical Demand and Reduce Health Inequalities. 
Dr. Richard Hagan, IBTS, presents, Application of Molecular Techniques in the Clinical Laboratory. 
Dr. Diarmaid Ó Donghaile, IBTS, presents, Irish Bone Marrow Registry: Ripe for Research!
Prof. Larry Bacon, SJH, presents, Adult CAR T Cell Service in St. James Hospital - The First Year. 

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